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Benefits and Goals
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Contrology: The Pilates Movement System
PILATES is a conscious way back to our bodies
Healthier Life (Body-Mind-Soul awareness)
Alignment, Moving Pattern, and Breathing are in direct connection with self-esteem, energy, and Body “feeling”
Pilates Principles
The Pilates Principles
Flowing Movement
Spine Movement
Spine Movement in Pilates
In what directions do I move my spine in a Pilates session? You will learn to move your spine in so many different directions you never did before. Joseph Pilates used to say:
You are only as old as your spine is. In other words, if your spine is rigid at 18, you are old. If your spine is flexible at 75, you are young.
Motoric Memory
Engrams in Pilates
Repeated moves become muscle memory and register in your brain. Did you know that a human body needs approximately 5000 repetitions in order to memorize the move? That is called motoric memory, vital to Pilates training.
One of the major results of Contrology is gaining the mastery of the mind over the complete control of your body.”
— Joseph Hubertus Pilates
Expected Gains
Expect to Gain On:
Efficient and Flowing Movement
Good, Proper Posture
Mental and Spiritual Rejuvenation
Integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit
Sense of Well-Being
Enhanced Quality of Life